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WELCOME TO NEWINGTON GREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWINGTON GREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL Learning and growing together Outstanding school, Ofsted July 2024

What Makes Us Special?

An introduction to our state-of-the-art learning facilities


Our refurbished buildings provide state of the art classrooms, with bespoke furniture, interactive screens and wifi capability.  We have a library, reading garden, Spanish Studio, Art studio, Music Studio, Computing suite, Training and Cookery Suite, Parent Room, Conference space, and hall spaces for performance, physical education and the arts.  


Our site is deceptively large, with 3 large playground spaces, as well as 3 buildings in total.  We are one of the largest primary school estates in London for the number of children on roll.  We have spent a lot of time and energy developing our buildings,  and are so proud of the fantastic facilities for learning we can offer.


High quality wrap around care from 7.30am to 6.30pm, and holiday childcare available.


We are very proud of our childcare offer which supports our families into employment and provides parents the reassurance of high quality care for an elongated day when they are at work.  


Our programme compliments our rich curriculum, and the quality of provision is monitored by the leadership team on a regular basis.



Subject Specialist Teaching


Due to our partnership with Rotherfield, our sister school, we are able to employ specialist staff in Computing, Music, Spanish and PE.  We have specialist spaces for the teaching of these subjects too; so children get an exceptional learning experience.


The quality of this teaching is outstanding, and ensures that children make rapid progress in these subjects.  This is an offer which is only usually found in private schools, so we are very proud of it!

Cultural entitlement for all pupils- a range of enrichment activities and visit for all pupils


All children at Newington Green have an entitlement to access a superb range if educational visits throughout their school career.  Ballet, Opera, Sporting events, Museums, monuments are all part of our curriculum offer.


By the time your child leaves us in year six, ready to go to secondary school, they would have accessed approximately 36 visits linked to the curriculum.  This will give them the confidence they need to talk about what they have learnt, and share it with others.

High quality food offering cooked onsite by our Chefs in School team!


Free for all pupils, cooked onsite from scratch, using local ingredients, and linked to what the children are learning in lessons...what is not to love?


Our food offering is exceptional compared to other local schools.  We offer breakfast, lunch and after school hot meals, with the lunch offer being free to all pupils.  Our menu will be created by the children's food panel and our Chef, Emma.  It is linked to what we are learning about in school, is locally sourced and is designed to be as seasonal as possible, helping our planet.